
Showing posts from 2014

How To Make Kanani's Ice Shave Stand

I did this project a while ago but here it is! It turned out so cute!

Funky Terrier Review From American Girl At Costco

I thought I might as well do a separate post for this one because before Josie adopted the Terrier (now known as Chipotle) I couldn't find anything talking about this special pet! The set is super cute but like I say in the video, coloring the dog house it came with was a pain!

New American Girl Pet Reviews! Plus Collar and Leash Craft!

So Mandy and Molly adopted some new pets for Christmas and I thought I would give you guys a quick review about them! Mandy adopted the Dalmatian Puppy from American Girl and Molly adopted the Himalayan Kitten! Dalmatian Puppy Review Himalayan Kitten Review

How To Make A Doll Pet Store (And Accessories)

This turned out super cute! I love the colors on the wrapping paper and the floor. By the way the floor took me 6 sheets of 12 x 12 scrapbook paper. We also made cages by using foam core and building cubes! Enjoy! P.S. For This Printable click the link then print. Cat Food #1 Cat Food #2 Dog Food #1 Dog Food #2 Dog Food #3

How To Make A Basic Room In A Box

This makes a basic room for 18 inch dolls! Use it for anything!! School, stores, rooms, whatever your heart desires! We got our box from Home Depot. It is a extra large moving box.

How To Make Isabelle's Foam Mat GOTY

Hey this is a quick and easy craft that turned out adorable! Enjoy!

How To Make The Celebration Pet Set

Today's tutorial is how to make the new Celebration Pet Set from American Girl®! I just saw it in the catalog and instantly thought of how to make a DIY version of the set! My new out super cute! I hope yours does too! P.S. In order to print this printable you might have to download to Preview (PDF viewer for mac) and then print it from there! Printable Card and Crown

Happy Holidays With Mini Christmas Cards!

Hello everyone! It seems like forever since I've posted anything! But I'm really in the holiday mood so I made some printable christmas cards....YAH! all you do is drag the image to the desktop and print! Enjoy!

How To Make A Doll Sleeping Bag - Slumber Party Series

This is the final piece to the Slumber Party Series! The Sleeping Bags! I hope this worked out O.K. (the Slumber Party Series I mean)! I wasn't really focused on the event but now I have some great ideas for future events! Hope you enjoyed!

How To Make Doll Pizza - Slumber Party Series

I am super excited about this post! I made some pizza a while ago but decided I would make a video tutorial and put a post on my blog about it! The pizza turned out so well I love it so much! I even asked my sister what she thought and we decided that my second pizza was better than the first. I would love to have some comments! Thanks!

How To Make Doll Popcorn - Slumber Party Series

I love popcorn! Popcorn is perfect for anything including slumber parties so I thought we better have some at ours! I think it turned out lovely! Printable Popcorn Boxes P.S. This printable works by opening the link and then directly printing off the page

How To Make Chips, Salsa, and Guacamole - Slumber Party Series

Here is my first Tutorial for the Slumber Part Series! Enjoy!

Slumber Party Series!

Okay, I am super excited for this event! Over the next few weeks, I will be showing you a series of videos all about how to throw a doll sleepover! I will be calling this the "Slumber Party Series"! I thought I would do this since the Dahls are throwing a giant sleepover once school gets out! I really hope you all like my projects! Some of these projects include; Chips and Salsa, Popcorn, Soda, and more!

Doll Trunk Tutorial

Hey I just whipped this up it turned out really cute I hope you like it!

Coffe Table Tutorial

Hey everyone, I did this project a while ago and I just now got around to editing it! It is a little table I made from stuff I had lying around the house and it turned out wonderful! I forgot to mention in the video, try to warm up the tin a little first (not in the microwave if that's what you were thinking) and then use the hot glue, otherwise the metallic paper and cardboard don't stick! Hope you guys like it!

Curls, Curls, Everywhere!

Okay, so today the Brooke's came over and we all decided to go camping and scout out the area to build our new camp! It was at this time that I discovered how to curl her hair!!! I never knew how to until then! All I did was take a small section, mist it a little, twist it around itself, wet down heavily, hold it for a second or two, and ta da! The lighting was also perfect so I just had to do a mimi-photoshoot! Hope the photos give you some inspiration! That's it hope you liked them!!!

First "Wings" Episode

Yeah, pretty bad quality and you can usually spot a couple arms and legs in there but me and my sisters had fun! We made this TV show just for fun. The series is called wings. The first episode is called, "Secrets Revealed" the wings are from the Dollar Tree and the "treehouse" is made from a My Froggy Stuff video.

Fun Finds and Doll Horse Review

So I found a couple things that I wanted to share with you and I thought I would try a doll review but since I am new to it I thought I would do something easy so I chose to do a horse! The Quarter Horse Foal can be found at  target Enjoy!

Kitchen Printables (Made Them Myself)

Hey everyone, tonight I put together some kitchen printables that were inspired by some post on Pinterest! Speaking of Pinterest please follow  me ! But anyway, to acsess the printables simply drag the image you want below to your desktop, and print them off, but make sure that the scale is 100%. Then use glue to build the boxes and you're done! Sometimes the printer enlarges the image so make sure it is the right scale! Please tell me what you think I love positive feedback!

Logo Contest...Which Logo?

Alright so I have decided to create a logo for this blog and anything that has to do with it but I can't decide so I thought I would ask all of you! Which one do you like the best? (just leave a comment)

First Daring Doll Adventure!!!!!

Let me just tell you all that I am so excited to share my first Daring Doll Adventure! My sisters and I had so much fun making this video! We actually made this last year but I hadn't gotten my blog up and running by then! We started off by tying three heavy books and test running the zip line a couple times, after that we tested again by sending Mandy down. I was scared out of my mind but finally told myself, well YOLO! After securing her very very very well she was ready to go, I was shaking so much but we laid some foam down so it was "as safe as possible"and off she went! It was really fun actually! Do you think your doll is daring? Daring enough to be a Daring Dahl?! Why don't you tell us YOUR doll story about all the adventures your dolls go on?!? Just email us at if we like your story we will feature you in the next video, put your story on our next Doll Adventure Post (by emailing us the story you give us free permission to us...

Doll Concession Stand Tutorial!

Alright, so I already had a bunch of carnival food but I didn't have enough time or supplies to make the stand (from my froggy stuff videos)! I knew I wanted to try a video tutorial so I decided this would be an easy quick thing to whip together for you guys! Please give feedback! This is my first video tutorial, enjoy! Here is the link to the food ! And here are the links to the printables!  Signs and Menu Food Signs